Little Plastic Army Men

30 08 2008

Check out this post at Mannie Gentile’s blog.  Who knew little plastic army men, coupled with judicious sampling of various resources, could be so instructive?  Why can’t I pull off creative, right-brain stuff like Mannie?  I wonder if he’d be willing to attempt Matthews and Henry House Hills?  Damn, that is so freakin’ cool!



3 responses

30 08 2008
Mannie Gentile


You are too kind.

Henry House Hill, being such a confined event (relatively) is one that I’m thinking about in the future. It’ll mean a couple more visits to the park to help my understanding of the flow, but I’ll definitely give it a whirl, sometime in the misty future, and perhaps you can direct me to some good sources for the prose.

Thanks again.



30 08 2008
Steve Basic


I just visited Mannie’s blog, and was blown away with the detailed photos and the quotations as well. Was in awe of the whole production, and I agree with you that all should check out that post.

Hope all is well.



1 09 2008
Harry Smeltzer


Sounds like a plan. Let me know what I can do to help (short of bending and stooping).


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