Sad News – Edward Hahn

2 08 2008

Maybe he wasn’t as well known as Alan Nolan, whose passing you can read about on any number of Civil War blogs, but Ed Hahn was certainly no less beloved to those who knew him.  I just returned from scout camp (and three days of the most hellish weather I’ve ever experienced) and ran across this article announcing his death on July 30 at the age of 95.

Ed Hahn proved that it’s never too late to chase your dream, pursuing and earning advanced history degrees at a stage of life where most people would say that ship had sailed.  I first met Ed on a Mont Alto tour in 1999, and I always looked forward to seeing and speaking with him, however briefly, at our local round tables.  I’m going to miss him, but take some consolation in the certainty that I’m but one of many.  His associations, affiliations and accomplishments were as numerous as his friends; if you’re one of the latter, please drop a note here.