Radio Star (Sort Of)

5 08 2008

This afternoon I was interviewed by a fella who is starting up a Civil War variety hour Internet radio show.  It will differ from what Gerry Prokopowicz does with Civil War Talk Radio in that it will feature multiple segments with different guests on different topics, and it won’t be live.  I’ll let you know more as I learn more, but as it stands now my segment will “air”, so to speak, along with one featuring someone who has been called the rock star of Civil War historians.  I guess I’m the counter-balance.

Also, I’m writing this post using the WordPress editor instead of my usual Word editor.  I usually use Word because I can manipulate the font size, but it brings lots of code into the mix which can sometimes screw up other aspects of my posts.  Let me know what you think of the size of this print (keeping in mind you can make it bigger by increasing the text size on your browser: see here).  I’m really just tired of WordPress constantly telling me that any problem I have is because I’m using Word, and that all I need to do is buy the CSS upgrade.  While the upgrade is inexpensive, I would of course have to learn how to use CSS.  Even if you’re not a regular reader, please tell me what you think of this font size.  I need lots of responses to make a decision.



9 responses

5 08 2008
Mike Peters


The smaller size font looks fine to me.



5 08 2008
Mannie Gentile


Not only are you a radio star (which is very close to “rock star”), but you’ve also taught me how to make the text bigger on my computer, for which I thank you!

And if your band happens to touring the Sharpsburg, Boonsboro, Keedysville circuit, I’d really appreciate an “all access” pass, actually two of them, and I’d like to be able to hang out with the band, and maybe jam.

Rock on!



6 08 2008

Harry, — The CSS is actually fairly easy to manipulate. Whenever I paste from Word I have the same problem, but it’s just a matter of going in and getting rid of the HTML at the beginning which changes the font and size and getting rid of the throughout that post that break it up. Other than that the font looks good.


6 08 2008
Eric Wittenberg


I don’t mind the small font at all. However, when I briefly had a black background with white letters, I had an absolute FLOOD of complaints about finding it too hard to read white letters against a black background, which is why it barely last a week. Please allow me to suggest that the combination of the smaller font combined with the white letters and black background is tough on those of us who have suddenly begun to find that our arms are to short to read things without proper reading glasses…….



6 08 2008
Harry Smeltzer

Thanks for the input, guys. For now I’m sticking with this, though maybe I will change my theme. I do get a whole lot of positive feedback on my theme, and only a couple people have complained (most notably the folks at Civil War Interactive, who have eternally damned me for the white print on black on the now static CWi blogs page while failing to admonish at least two other CW bloggers who have the same combo).

And Eric, I have progressive lenses, too. Remember, I’m even older than you!


7 08 2008
Larry Freiheit


I agree with Eric; font size is OK but black letters on a light background works better for me.



7 08 2008
Harry Smeltzer

Larry, you old fart. If I get a lot of time in the near future, I’ll start exploring switching to a new theme. I haven’t looked at the various WordPress themes in a long time – I have used this theme from day one. I’m used to it. But if geezers like you have trouble seeing it, I’m limiting my potential readership severely considering the age of many ACW enthusiasts.

If there are any WordPress users reading this, what do you guys think of “Freshy”?


7 08 2008
Francis Rose

Thanks for the plug. I really enjoyed the interview and chat. The first show (with you in it) is scheduled to go up August 27th (my birthday!). Thanks for doing the show and thanks for mentioning it on your blog.


8 08 2008
Civil Wart Talk Radio « Bull Runnings

[…] Wart Talk Radio 8 08 2008 As I noted here, on Tuesday I was interviewed for a new Civil War internet radio program.  Francis Rose is the […]


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