“Solon,” Co. B, 17th Mississippi Infantry, Defends the Regiment

2 03 2023


For the Mississippian.

Letter from Virginia.


In Camp near Leesburg, Va,.
September 12th, 1861.

Ed. Mississippian: – […] It was with some degree of mortification that I heard the slanderous reports current in Mississippi relative to the actions of the 17th and 18th Mississippi Regiments and particularly the 17th. I was hurt to hear of the base insinuations of cowardice against Col. W. S. Featherston, than whom a braver or cooler officer was not in the engagement of the 21st, and am surprised that Mississippians should give such credence to the reports as to call forth an article from Cols. Burt and Featherston relative to the matter. The communication referred to will be published in the Spartanburg (S. C.) Express, through the columns of which paper the report first emanated. I need scarce request you, in common with other Mississippi papers to publish it in justice to brave men whose only neglect in not covering themselves with glory, was the absence of the chance; and it is a fact that these regiments occupied, on the memorable occasion one of the most critical positions. It excites our indignation to think that the character of these regiments and their brave officers should be impeached by a lickspittle lieutenant of another State, in order to extoll the virtues and acts of his own Regiment; and his assertion of base lies should consign him to the execrations of honest men. His own Colonel (Jenkins*) gives his letter the lie by subscribing to the mentioned communication.

We would remark that Mississippians are too proud to assume to themselves foulsome praise, and unless it is thoroughly merited seek not the plaudits of their fellow-citizens. Not so much as it seems with this epauletted ignoramus of the 5th S. C. Regiment. He must laud his own acts – to which we cannot object – but must needs make base charges of cowardice against equally brave men, in order, I suppose, that by contrast his laurels will shine the brighter. You need never fear that the proud escutcheon of Mississippi will be tarnished by any act of ours, and her honor is safe in our keeping.

But i have already, Mr. Editor, overstepped prudence in the length of this letter, and will close by the promise of something, more interesting, at a future time.

“Mississippi Rangers**,” 17th Miss. Regiment.

The Weekly (Jackson) Mississippian, 9/25/1861

Clipping image

*Micah Jenkins, 5th South Carolina Infantry

**Co. B



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