Image: Pvt. Charles Henry Howard, 3rd Maine Infantry, Howard’s Brigade Staff

29 01 2017



One response

29 01 2017
Jens C. Falster

C.H. Howard at 22 was 8 years younger than his brother. He enlisted as private and musician. The 3rd Maine had a drum and fife corps, but I believe this designation meant that he would be a litter bearer in combat rather than fighting in the ranks. His actual duty was as regimental and then brigade clerk for his brother. In early 1862 was commissioned 2nd the 67th NY and eventually through successive promotions was brevetted Brigadier General. Of the same religious fervor as O.O. Howard, he left seminary to join the regiment and was later also active in the Freedman’s Bureau and Howard University. After the war he became a newspaper editor and publisher.


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