The Reports of My Death are Greatly Exaggerated

2 11 2021
Mark Twain

Please be patient: I’m still going through southern newspapers, and finding lots and lots of good stuff. Sometimes it’s stuff I’m not quite sure how to use here, so I’ve been posting that sort of thing over on my Facebook page (you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, though there isn’t much stuff on the latter). Once I finish up Florida and Delaware, I’ll get back to posting. And remember, if you have any letters, diaries, or memoirs by First Bull Run participants, send them along and I’ll add them to the database.



2 responses

2 11 2021
Meg Groeling

Please pay attention to what Harry says about continuing to alert him about First Bull Run things. Reviews say my own book is well-researched, and I simply pass that along to Bull Runnings. It has been a godsend for 11th New York information.

Liked by 1 person

3 11 2021
Harry Smeltzer

Thanks Meg! Looking forward to the book.


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