Preview: Crawford, “Confederate Courage on Other Fields”

18 07 2017

51pTW95i2vL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_New from Savas Beatie is a title and cover illustration combination that is sure to get knees jerking and teeth gnashing: Confederate Courage on Other Fields: Overlooked Episodes of Leadership, Cruelty, Character, and Kindness, by Mark J. Crawford. This one “offers four valuable but little-studied events of the Civil War.” Those four “events” are:

  • Rev. M. M. Marshall and General Hospital Number One in Kittrell Spings, NC.
  • The letters of  plantation owner/Confederate officer Charles Blacknall.
  • A personal quarrel between a Union major and Confederate colonel that escalates out of control.
  • The late-war Confederate attack at Dinwiddie Courthouse.

Mark J. Crawford is the author of Encyclopedia of the Mexican-American War.