Manassas NBP Visit 11/15/2014

17 11 2014

I posted some photos I took on a quick trip to show some of the battlefield to my nephew this past Saturday. You can find them on Facebook here. Eventually I’ll set up a gallery here as well. It was a beautiful day, perfect for photos, even though I only had my phone camera with me. We took a walk out to the site of Portici and saw a (to me) new marker at Holkum’s Branch, the site of the post battle meeting of Jefferson Davis and “Stonewall” Jackson. Also saw a (to me) new marker at the site of Christian Hill (read about its significance here.) I do have concerns about bringing attention to that place. I never have as much time as I’d like on the rare occasions I get to visit, but each time I see something I’ve missed before. Get out there – you can’t understand the battle if you don’t walk the ground.



One response

17 11 2014
John Foskett

Harry: This is good material. Thanks. One thing I like about the Emerging Civil War series of guides from Savas Beatie is the inclusion of modern photos of the battlefields. Even with terrain changes over 150 years, they are important for understanding the fighting on the preserved battlefields. And they highlight the tragedy of what development has done to fields around Richmond and Atlanta, for example.


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