Manassas Civil War Sesquicentennial

4 10 2010


The above artwork, or logo, is for the Manassas and Prince William County Civil War Sesquicentennial.  According to this story, the logo will be used to promote events and also appear on such places as t-shirts.  Now, I love a good t-shirt, if it’s a nice heavy material and a dark color and so long as large pieces are consigned to the back of the shirt where they belong – small logos in front over the breast are good.  If my stringent requirements are met I just may have to pick up one of these next time I’m down that way.

Note that the logo includes the First National Confederate flag, not the battle flag.  I think that’s appropriate for a number of reasons, including the fact that the latter banner did not exist at the time of the First (and most important) Battle of Bull Run.  The fact that the Georgia soldier depicted was not present for either battle at Manassas doesn’t bother me.

Hat tip to Kevin Levin.  Also, Facebook fan Tim Ferry passed along this article on the plans for the 150th Battle Anniversary events.

Live Blogging with Cenantua

2 10 2010

Robert Moore recently experimented with live blogging along the C&O Canal.  Pretty cool stuff.  Start the journey here.

Civil War Times December 2010

1 10 2010

Inside this issue:


  • One is not mad at Gary Gallagher, one is.  Of course, the one that is mad is mad because, as we all know, Slavery had nothing to do with the Civil War, and in fact saying it did have anything to do with it should never be allowed to appear in print.  Another is mad at Gallagher because he ranked George Thomas too low as the fourth greatest Union commander.   And still another is upset with Dana Shoaf for not hammering the great villain of the war, George McClellan, hard enough in his op-ed on Stanley McChrystal.  That reader should be pleased with America’s Civil War’s November issue in which Harold Holzer goes ape-shit on Mac’s ass.


  • Brandy Station expands.  Camp Lawton site found.


  • Blue & Gray – Gary Gallagher on what Union soldiers fought for.
  • Collateral Damage – Yours Truly on Bennett Place
  • Interview – Waite Rawls of the MOC
  • Field Guide – Chris Howland at 2nd Bull Run
  • Editor Letter – Dana Shoaf on the GBPA’s endorsement of the Gettysburg Casino


  • General Disobedience – McClellan hatchetographer Edward Bonetopickemper’s hit piece on the centennial’s favorite punching bag.
  • Substitute for a Corpse – David Lowe & Philip Shiman on creative battlefield photography.
  • Joseph Whitworth’s Deadly Rifle – Fred Ray on the favorite weapon of Southern sharpshooters.
  • All Glory and No Gore – Doug Dammann on Elmer Ellsworth’s militia tour of 1860.  This is followed by a photo gallery of Ellsworth memorabilia.
  • Crisis of Faith – George Rable on spiritual revivals


  • The USS Carondelet: A Civil War Ironclad in Western Waters, by Myron J. Smith, Jr.
  • Gentlemen Merchants: A Charleston Family’s Odyssey, 1828-1870, Philip N. Racine
  • Kilted Warriors: Music of the 79th New York Volunteer Infantry, 79th Regimental Band (CD)
  • Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War’s Most Daring Spy, Gavin Mortimer
  • Plus a list of eleven books for the holidays.