On Your Newsstand Now

30 12 2006

The March, 2007 issue of America’s Civil War hit the newsstands this past Thursday.  My article – in the Perspectives section and titled Civil War Blogs: The home of cutting edge research, acw2.jpgor simply blather writ online by frustrated armchair historians? – is on pages 17 & 18. 

The article was printed pretty much as I wrote it, with some minor exceptions.  The title of the article is not mine: I submitted it as Are Blogs the New Media of Civil War History?  Also, the tag line on the cover of the magazine, found at the very top, reads How to find the best and brightest Civil War Blogs, and I’m not sure that what I wrote really helps to do that.  However, the editor of the magazine indicated that they will be focusing more attention on the blogging phenomenon in the future, so maybe that had something to do with it.

The article was also spruced up with some screen shots of three of the blogs discussed.  I was surprised to see just how much space 1,734 words take up.

My thanks to Brian Dirck, Brian Downey, Chris Fonvielle, Mannie Gentile, Mark Grimsley, Gerry Prokopowicz, and Dmitri Rotov for taking the time to answer my questions.  Thanks to Dana Shoaf, editor of America’s Civil War, for his guidance and patience.  And thanks to my good friend Teej Smith for reading my drafts and making valuable suggestions.

Once you get a chance to read the article, please feel free to leave your comments here.  I have a couple more articles in the works, one on web resources and one on a Bull Run personality, so any suggestions are welcome.