Leesburg Sojourn

28 03 2020

This past March 10, in a time I now refer to as “Fo da quo,” (before the quarantine), I delivered a program on McDowell’s Plan for First Bull Run to the good folks at the Loudoun County Civil War Round Table in the Thomas Balch Library in Leesburg, VA. But before the meeting (7:30 that evening), round table member and friend Craig Swain of To the Sound of the Guns showed me a few of the local Leesburg sites. Click on the thumbnails for great-big-giant images.

First, a few Leesburg dwellings related to Robert E. Lee and the Confederate invasion of Maryland in the summer of 1862.


John Janey house. One time VA Governor, nearly Vice President (and President), secession convention supervisor. R. E. Lee visited here after Chantilly/Ox Hill prior to Antietam.


Glenfiddich. R. E. Lee stayed here and met with Jackson & Longstreet inside to plan Maryland Campaign. Currently for sale.


Home of the physician who tended to R. E. Lee’s injured hands. Across the street from Glenfiddich. Also for sale.


Detail of physician’s house for sale sign. I guess this means it’s haunted!

Next stop was White’s Ford across the Potomac, used by the Army of Northern Virginia prior to Antietam and after Early’s raid on Washington.


Wayside at White’s Ford (text by Craig Swain)


Wayside at White’s Ford (text by Craig Swain)


Wayside at White’s Ford (text by Craig Swain)


Wayside at White’s Ford (text by Craig Swain)


Potomac River near White’s Ford. View to Maryland and C&O Canal.


Original road trace to White’s Ford.


White’s Ford view to Maryland. Much of the Army of Northern Virginia crossed here to advance into Maryland in 1862.


White’s Ford view to Maryland. Much of the Army of Northern Virginia crossed here to advance into Maryland in 1862.


White’s Ford view to Maryland. Much of the Army of Northern Virginia crossed here to advance into Maryland in 1862.


Craig Swain and me at White’s Ford.


White’s Ford view to Maryland. Much of the Army of Northern Virginia crossed here to advance into Maryland in 1862.

Our last stop was Union Cemetery in town.


Grave of and memorial to Elijah White, owner of White’s Ford and White’s Ferry, commander of “White’s Comanches,” Union Cemetery, Leesburg.


Memorial to Elijah White, owner of White’s Ford and White’s Ferry, commander of “White’s Comanches,” Union Cemetery, Leesburg.


Memorial to Elijah White, owner of White’s Ford and White’s Ferry, commander of “White’s Comanches,” Union Cemetery, Leesburg. “A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ.”


Grave of Elijah White, owner of White’s Ford and White’s Ferry, commander of “White’s Comanches.” Union Cemetery, Leesburg.


Grave of Elijah White, owner of White’s Ford and White’s Ferry, commander of “White’s Comanches.” Union Cemetery, Leesburg.


Cenotaph to engineer Morris Wampler, who designed Fort (Battery) Wagner, Charleston, SC, and was mortally wounded there. Union Cemetery, Leesburg, VA.


Memorial to unknown Confederate dead, Union Cemetery, Leesburg, VA.


Memorial to unknown Confederate dead, Union Cemetery, Leesburg, VA.


Memorial to unknown Confederate dead, Union Cemetery, Leesburg, VA.


Memorial to unknown Confederate dead, Union Cemetery, Leesburg, VA.


Memorial to unknown Confederate dead, Union Cemetery, Leesburg, VA.

A good day. A summary of the meeting that night to follow.