John Brown’s March

16 10 2009

capitol_muralWe’ve had this up on the SHAF website for a while, but I was a little taken aback to see this article featured on Comcast’s homepage as one of the day’s top news items.  Last month I spoke with Dennis Frye about the anniversary events planned for the next few days, and I’ll just say if you’re lucky enough to be in the Harper’s Ferry area over the next few days, you’re in for some treats.  The sold-out march from the Kennedy Farm to HF tonight has got to be one of the coolest events I’ve ever heard of, and I was truly bummed to find out that the wife would be travelling for work this whole upcoming week, starting tomorrow.  If any of you attend any of the events (learn more about them here and here), please feel free to send me a report!



3 responses

16 10 2009

I’m a little bummed about missing the Kennedy Farm-HF march (tickets sold out a month in advance), but am excited about the other events.

I Kicked off last night with a presentation on the role of Frederick Militia during the raid. This was held at the National Museum of Civil War Medicine, and was hosted by the Frederick County Civil War Roundtable. Saturday morning the town (Frederick) will reenact its reaction to news of the raid. I plan to attend this, as well.

As for HF, I’m hoping to make the film discussion at the museum tonight. Also, I think it will be cool (even in the cold rain!) to see the Kennedy Farm group cross the bridge. As for the rest of the weekend, I’m hoping to catch as much as family responsibilities will allow.

If you’re interested, I hope to share some photos and summaries of my experiences on my blog at .

Sorry to hear you won’t make the march. Will you catch any of the planned events?


16 10 2009
Harry Smeltzer


No, I won’t be making any of the events. Please let me know when you post your article and photos.


18 10 2009
Jared Frederick

I volunteered on the procession. It was very cool. Dennis was very into it. I hope to post photos and video on it in the coming days.


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