Set to be the Bad Guy

22 01 2009

Well, now I’ve done it.  I sent my Six-Pack reviews (so far, that’s the title for the column formerly known as Pick Six) to my editor yesterday.  We have a new rating system in keeping with the informal nature of the column.  Two of the books were interesting to review, four were fun, and one was torture.  For that one review, I’m sure I’m going to pay.  I suppose I’ll have to get used to being called a South-bashing Yankee, ’cause with some people, yer either fer ’em or agin ’em.

While on the topic of reviews, I sent an email to Joseph Glatthaar (author of the book I discussed here and here)  the other day, and he was kind enough to respond helpfully.  He went above and beyond in providing answers to my questions, and also took time to read my blog posts about his book and to comment.  In response to my comments regarding a claim in General Lee’s Army that the Confederates defeated a larger army at First Bull Run, he pointed out that in another part of the book he stated that such was not the case, and that the passage stating the opposite was an oversight.  As I gain more experience with the book publishing process, I better understand how such things can happen.  Thanks for the time and the interest, Dr. Glatthaar.



2 responses

31 01 2009

I’m waiting on pins and needles for the upcoming issue. Is the caption you placed on that one Howard Pyle image a sybolic carry-over for the upcoming “Southron bashin'” piece?


1 02 2009
Harry Smeltzer

No link between the two – though I do feel a little like the guy on the horse.


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