Maj. William Smith Hanger Baylor, 5th Virginia Infantry, On the Death of Pvt. Joab Horace Seely. Co. L, 5th Virginia Infantry

9 08 2020

The following feeling and well deserved tributes to the memory of Jaob Horace Seely, a brave and noble soldier, written by W. S. H. Baylor, Major of the 5th Virginia Regiment, and James H. Waters, Captain of the West Augusta Guards, will cause a thrill of sorrow to fill the hearts of all who knew the deceased:

Manassas, July 22d, 1861.

My Dear Mrs. Seely: – Your dead son reaches you to-day, and I feel it my duty to speak a word of comfort to you. Poor Joab fell nobly in advance of his companions, gallantly charging upon the enemy. His course during the fight was that of a hero. He fought bravely – died nobly. Do not mourn his loss too much, God has taken him to his home. You know how good a boy he was; as he lived so he died. God will raise you up friends to fill his place, and I pray He will comfort you in your bereavement.

Your noble boy is dead, but be it your consolation that he died fighting for liberty – a martyr to the glorious cause.

Your friend,

P. S. – But a few moments before Joab fell, he said to his friend, Mr. Joseph N. Ryan, who was fighting by his side – “I am prepared to die – I expect to die – if I do and you live, tell my Mother I died fighting bravely.” These are glorious words for a dying soldier to use.

W. S. H. B.

Staunton (VA) Spectator, 8/20/1861

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W. S. H. Baylor at Wikipedia 

W. S. H. Baylor at Ancestry 

W. S. H. Baylor at Fold3 

W. S. H. Baylor at FindAGrave 

Joab Horace Seely at Ancestry 

Joab Horace Seely at Fold3