Update: Ft. Sumter Civil War Roundtable

24 03 2021

For anyone planning to attend my upcoming presentation to the Fort Sumter Civil War Roundtable in Charleston, SC on April 12:

The venue has changed. Due to Covid restrictions, the roundtable is unable to use the facilities at The Citadel. Instead, we’ll meet at 6:30 at the parish hall of Stella Maris Catholic Church, 1204 Middle St., Sullivan’s Island. The parish hall is in between the Ft Moultrie visitor center and the church, tucked away behind a house that’s right there on the road.

Also, I’m here live. I’m not a cat. I’ll be back to posting soon. Lots of stuff still ahead. Lots and lots of stuff. And we’ve got a Facebook Live event coming up in July, from the battlefield.