No More, No Less

6 07 2015

1434533581_the-civil-war-monitor-vol.5-no.2If you’ve received your new copy of Civil War Monitor (Summer edition, I think it is), you may notice that I have a little sidebar in it, listing my three recommended First Bull Run books. Now, I’ve already received this question a couple of times, and expect there are more of the same to come, or at least a few folks wondering the same thing, even if you have no intention of asking me.

“Why wasn’t fillintheblank on your list?”

The answer to that is pretty simple: I was asked for three. In the counting of the books, “Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three” were, I think, publisher Terry Johnston’s instructions.

Here they are:

Hennessy, John, The First Battle of Manassas: An End To Innocence July 18-21, 1861

Gaff, Alan, If This Is War: A History of the Campaign of Bull Run by the Wisconsin Regiment Thereafter Known as the Ragged Ass Second

Longacre, Edward, The Early Morning of War: Bull Run, 1861

You can read the whys and wherefores when you buy the magazine.



5 responses

6 07 2015
Ted Savas

Since when have you followed rules, Smeltzer?


6 07 2015
Harry Smeltzer

It’s a league article, Ted. Can’t go over the line. This is not Nam. There are rules.


6 07 2015
Ted Savas

God, I hated that movie. I can’t get half way through. (And John Foskett is right.)


6 07 2015
John Foskett

Following up on Ted’s comment, Harry, a good negotiator comes back with 8 and gets it to 5 or 6. :)


7 07 2015
Harry Smeltzer

Actually, I was happy with the limitation.


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