While You’re Waiting…

21 06 2010

Wow – no new posts here for a full week.  Sorry about that, but I’ve been very, very busy.  Hopefully I’ll get back to posting soon.  I have some new developments on the writing front, but it’s too early yet to talk about them.  In the meantime, check out these video blogs by friend and Civil War Times editor Dana Shoaf.  I don’t know how often we’ll be seeing new ones, but if you bookmark the page or add it to your feed reader you can stay up-to-date.



3 responses

21 06 2010
Steve Basic


Thanks for the link. I enjoy watching stuff like that.

Hope all is well.

Regards from the Garden State,



23 06 2010
Drew Wagenhoffer

I’ll readily admit to never having heard of that fiction book that Cozzens stated was his favorite. I think I’ll get a copy through ILL someday.


24 06 2010
Chris Evans

I had not heard of it either but I’m picking up the book on the strength of Cozzens recommendation. I’m really looking forward to seeing how good it is. I have found some information on the internet about it. One site mentioned it was in the top ten of Civil War fiction.


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