Bull Run Thread Trivia #1

6 05 2010

I’ve been looking for a way to introduce some of the threads my research has turned up (though “research” sounds too organized for what I do).  Let’s try the good old viewer participation route.  You can Google to your heart’s content, but if you already knew the answer without looking it up let me know – you’re on the honor system, and there is no prize other than being at the top of the response thread.  Feel free to take this anywhere you want as long as you don’t violate the rules of the site.

Thread Trivia assignment/question #1:

  • Connect the First Battle of Bull Run of the U. S. Open Tennis Championship.

I know of one prominent connection, but I’m open to others.  The sheila in the photo is Evonne Goolagong Cawley, who lost in the finals at the U. S. Open four straight years 1973-1976, and also played for the Pittsburgh Triangles during the same period (though I only had eyes for her teammate Rayni Fox – hubba hubba).

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2 responses

6 05 2010
Phil LeDuc

Seems to me we’re talking the Slocum connection here –
Henry W. Slocum commanded the 27th NY at 1st Bull Run, and his son Henry Jr. twice won the U.S. Tennis Championship.


16 02 2015
More On Henry W. Slocum, Jr. | Bull Runnings

[…] the connection between the First Battle of Bull Run and the U. S. Open Tennis championships (see here), and the answer to that question (see […]


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