Coming Up

8 01 2010

I’m way behind on reviews.  I have some notes to recent reads by Larry Tagg, Jim Schmidt, and Joan Waugh to name a few.  Spoiler Alert – these were all three great books: Tagg’s and Waugh’s were probably two of the most important releases of 2009.  I’m still considering a long review of Tagg for publication.  If I go that route, I won’t be able to post it here for a while.

I’ve received a couple of inquiries about the progress of a piece for which I’m compiling material about the affect of slavery on the character of southern elites who made up the bulk of the Confederacy’s officer corps, and what folks like Thomas Jefferson, Robert E. Lee, Alexis de Toqueville and some modern commentators had to say about it, and how it all may cause one to reconsider the meaning of a famous quote by Lee.  All I can say is that the stack is getting bigger, but the bit is getting no closer ot being written.

I know I’ve been remiss in posting new resource material, and hope to flip the ratio of original content to resource material this year.  That is to say, I want to put up more primary material and run at the mouth less.

The (potential) good news is that I may have a new column in a different magazine.  I don’t want to jinx myself, so I won’t say much more other than that this column would combine my real job with my hobby.  (Given that I’ve not been a smashing success at either of those things, maybe I should worry.)

I’ve got a Jan. 12 deadline for my May 6-Pack preview/review column, so I’m not sure how much I’ll be posting here until then.

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One response

10 01 2010
Larry Tagg

Thanks for the update, Harry. I’m glad to read you liked _Unpopular_, anxious to read your comments.



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