Review Policy

7 10 2009

In light of the recent FTC ruling concerning requirements for product reviews, I’ve posted a Review Policy.  I realize that perhaps this ruling doesn’t apply to book reviews, but I’d rather not take the chance.  Check it out and let me know what you think.  Any suggestions are appreciated.



4 responses

7 10 2009
Theodore P. Savas

I would say, tell the bureaucrats to mind their own damn business, and do it the way you like, Harry.



7 10 2009
Harry Smeltzer

I hear what you’re saying, Ted. But I also hear that $11,000 fine.


7 10 2009
Theodore P. Savas


First, you will ever see an $11,000 fine on blogging a book without proper foundation. Second, there are serious 1st Amendment issues with that. Third, the reason our rights are chisled away is because we lay down like lambs. Time to stand up, I think.

Hope you are well.



8 10 2009
Jim Miller

I find my self in agreement with Ted. I’ve always had a review policy posted at Civil War Notebook, though it was written mainly to set the proper expectations for authors, publishers and their distributors, rather than my readers, but it is there nonetheless.

Secondly, from everything I’ve read, including the FTC press release, they are more focused on advertising violations (think about the ads for diet pills) than bloggers. They have openly stated that if fines are levied it will be on a case by case basis.

And lastly, without doing some hefty (and costly) research, which I’m sure would include subpoenas of authors, publishers and their distributors, besides the individual bloggers, it would be nearly impossible for the FTC or any one else to determine if a book was sent gratis for review by those named above.

So, I shall continue on exactly how I have been.


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