Confederate Commando and Fleet Surgeon

28 04 2009

commandoYou may recall that Daniel Burr Conrad was the author of this article in the SHSP, and the subject of this biographical sketch.  In tha sketch I mentioned that Conrad was the subject of a book, Confederate Commando and Fleet Surgeon.  As luck would have it, I came across a copy of the book a couple of days ago at my local Half Price Books store.  At $3.98, how could I pass it up?  That’s not a rhetorical question; I really do need to learn how to pass these “deals” up – I have over 1,800 civil war books, and not one inch of available shelf space in my office.

The bulk of the book’s Bull Run material consists of Conrad’s SHSP article.  Also included is an account of the recovery of the body of Col. Francis Thomas, Joe Johnston’s Chief of Ordnance who was killed in the battle, by his cousin Dr.  E. A . Craighill.  I’ll check it out and post it here if it’s worthwhile.



2 responses

29 04 2009

Don’t feel bad. No matter how “digital” I become, I still love my books. I have five floor to ceiling bookshelves in my study and the overflow is in makeshift shelving in my 20 foot deep closet. I have to set-up a system. Most used books in the study and least used in the closet.


29 04 2009
Mike Peters


I’d be interested in your take on this book. I have passed on it several times. Seems my interest in CW medicine is trumped by White Mane.


Mike Peters


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